Put 6-8 cups of water, and 2 tbsp of salt in a large pan or pot.
Put the stove on high, bring to a boil.
While waiting for water to boil, cut off the woody bottom (1⁄2 - 1 inch) of the asparagus (keep elastic on the top and cut the bunch together at once.)
Prepare ice water bath by filling a large bowl with ~8 cups of water and add a tray (12 )large ice cubes
Place asparagus in boiling water for 1-3 minutes depending on the thickness.
With tongs take asparagus out of the boiling water and put in the ice water to stop the cooking process. Taste, if it tastes slightly cooked yet crisp, then transfer all the asparagus from boiling water to ice water. The asparagus will look bright green.
Let cool in ice water for 1 min (if no ice, then keep in cold water for longer ~2 min) then take out and dry on a towel.
Now you can use it as is! Or suggestions above - with eggs, frittata, salad, great with vinaigrette, appetizer with prosciutto, as a side dish.