
6 Benefits of REDUCING SUGAR

Sugar is the most used addictive in grocery foods today. There’s no surprise that you may be addicted to it, that it may be making you feel bad and you don’t know it cause its been years in the making. Sugar acts similar to an addictive drug with cravings, withdrawal and increased tolerance.



Here are some great benefits to quitting or reducing added sugars and refined sugar. Yes you can have the cake at the party or cookie at your friends house. It’s what we are doing everyday at home, at work, our daily life that matters. FOCUS on nutrient dense and whole foods with simple recipes that your kids can make.



Reduce Sugar BENEFITS include

  • 1. Increased energy levels!!!

  • Yes you may think that sugar is giving you energy. But it’s not. It makes blood sugar rise, then fall. When it
    falls you may be reaching for more sugar to boost your energy. By quitting sugar – you will start to have  balanced and increased energy levels. You will also have blood sugar balance, really making you feel good all day long.

  • 2. Improved Mood, Mental Clarity and Focus.

  • Think clearer, feel better and focus more. By balancing our blood sugar by removing sugar highs and lows, our mood will start to balance. Often when we are stressed or as a reward, society has programmed us to reach for sugar. Research shows that quitting sugar and unhealthy foods and replacing with nutrient dense foods, people have decreased depression, anxiety, fewer mood swings and more mental focus.
  • 3. Better Microbiome : Improved GUT HEALTH!

  • Our gut microbiome is based on what food we eat. Eat sugar, and your gut microbiome will make you crave sugar to continue to feed bad bacteria. Eat veggies and fiber that act as prebiotics and move your gut microbiome from bad bacteria to good bacteria. A simple way to improve your gut health.
  • 4. Overall Health (Teeth, Gums, Liver Health, Heart Health, Hormone Health – your health).

  • Sugar sweetened beverages should be the first to go! Sugar drinks and foods containing added sugars contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. Fatty liver disease is caused by high sugar intake. Balancing hormone health includes diabetes, PMS reduction and
    peri-menopause, menopause and andropause (Male menopause – it’s real!)
  • 5. Improve Weight Management.

  • Foods and drinks containing sugar contain empty calories and the body uses nutrients (Vit D, C, Calcium, Magnesium, Chromium) to help process sugar in the body. So instead of the nutrients going to your cell health, they are being used up for sugar digestion. Sugar turns into glucose in the body and is stored in Fat Cells for the future.
  • 6. Decrease Inflammation!

  • Inflammation is the root cause of most illnesses and disease. Acute inflammation is necessary and good. Chronic inflammation, ongoing from internal or external stress can lead to chronic pain, headaches, food allergies, brain-related disorders of mental health and disease. Sugar increases inflammation in the body.
    Decrease sugar and inflammation will decrease causing a decrease in nerve, muscle and joint pain.
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Add exercise, good sleep, and increased daily water intake to help decrease inflammation and improve overall health and weight management.
Increase fiber and veggies to improve your microbiome. And feel more energetic, mental clarity, focus and improve mood. Want more – do our Sugar Free Life! Online course to help you move towards reducing sugar.



People who kick sugar or reduce sugar to the American Heart Association recommendation of added sugar of 6 tsp for women and 9 tsp for men (4 grams of sugar = 1 tsp), health improves immensely and they feel much better.

Sugar is very addictive, there is a serious sugar issue in North America causing a large range of health problems for children and adults. Breaking the conditioning of reward and sugar will be helpful for you and your family. Reward yourself with healthy activities, like going for a hike or walk!

Lively Life focus is to help people reduce sugar or quit sugar and unhealthy foods towards feeding your body healthy nutrient dense and fiber rich foods. If you are interested in these benefits, come join Lively Life’s online course starting annually, this year Spring and Fall – Sugar Free Life (this spring – March 15-April 19th, 2023) where I share videos, booklet to help remove added sugars, refined sugars and move to easy, quick sugar free nutrient dense whole foods.



Sugar Free Life! Online Course Testimony
This course is an opportunity to deconstruct and better understand how your body reacts (including craves) to the food you eat. I have arthritis and within 2 weeks of following Carolyn’s program the inflammation in my feet was visibly reduced.
Sugar Free Life! is designed to be achievable and the learning modules provide a wealth of education, recipes, and templates where you can track your progress. The content within each modules is available in multiple formats, such as written, diagrams, charts, and videos to cater to everyone’s learning needs.
This program is a proactive way to reduce your sugar cravings, and better understand and physically see the impact sugar has on your body. Thank you for the reset Carolyn.