Let’s Celebrate Earth Day!

Recently Mother earth (she) has shown us the impact that humans can have on the environment. Rising sea levels, accelerated extinction of species, a warming climate, and the increasing frequency of disasters (floods, fires, and droughts) are a few examples of her symptoms that can provide clues to an underlying sickness. Are you listening to her?
Love for the Environment
50 years ago, Earth day was started by 25-year old grad student, Denis Hayes. Now Earth Day is celebrated around the world. What you do, believe, and how you act does matter. What are you called to do to help your planet? Pick up garbage on Earth Day, and any day you are walking. I’m sure your children have great ideas of what to do for Earth Day and every day to help our planet. Thank goodness for the young and old and their love for nature.
Love for Ourselves

The Earth gives us the perfect place to live and provides us with all our requirements to thrive and help us heal ourselves. The sun gives us Vitamin D, which is a hormone that the body requires. Sunshine can also stabilize our melatonin and help us sleep. Clean air delivers vital oxygen that helps us to stay well and fight off disease. Whole clean foods that help rejuvenate our bodies with the basic fats, protein, and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. Getting outside and moving gives us the energy that working inside is missing. So if you are allowed to go outside and to move your body and enjoy the earth, please do!
Earth is just one of the billions of planets in our own Milky Way galaxy and there are billions of galaxies in the observable universe. This makes me humble, and amazed that I am living daily on this beautiful planet Earth. Being able to breath the air, drink the water, and live off this land. Earth is the only planet that we can comfortably live on – at least for now.

This 2020 Earth Day is unique, many of us have been self-isolating around the earth for weeks and even months. China is the largest consumer of coal on this planet with large amounts of manufacturing that produce goods for the rest of the world to consume. China’s air pollution can be deadly but due to the coronavirus it has significantly dropped.
Planetary – Pale Blue Dot
How much do you love this earth? Below is a quote from Carl Sagan (Planetary Scientist) about our planet Earth as seen from space.
“That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives….. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.”
Mother earth and nature will recalibrate over the next thousands of years. Please take a moment during each shower or stop sign (pick something you do often, to remind you) to think about our mother earth, what habits we can add or change to help her. Love her. How can we bring balance to ourselves, to earth, and to both our own and earth’s health and wellness?