Just a spoonful of sugar…..

Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. In the most delightful way.
My mom used applesauce with us, though for a while, I thought all applesauce had a hint of Aspirin taste. Can you relate? What I want to introduce you to is added sugars. They are in almost all packaged foods so look out! It is important to learn how to read labels. For starters let’s learn about how much added sugar the typical North American eats and the recommended by the American Heart Association.
Some FACTS! On ADDED sugars.

Average American consumes 22 teaspoons (88g) of added sugar a day! That’s 360 calories, lacking nutrients! We want to reduce this to 0 if possible or 6 tsp (24 g) for women, 9 tsp (36 g) for men. (Reference – American Heart Association to help slow the obesity and heart disease epidemics). I believe this is possible to reduce added sugar to 0-6 tsp for women, 0-9 tsp for men. This is Real – and something we can change with our daily choices.
Added sugars is written on food labels for package, cans, or sauces. Learning how to read labels is necessary. Learning to identify the names of sugar is a great skill to have. The suffix -ose is used in biochemistry to form the names of sugars. So that’s a great start for identifying sugar in your foods.
I want to share with you action steps you can take to get to the RESULT you want. Sugar Free Life! – shares many more habit changing knowledge to help balance your blood sugar and change your life.
Lively Life’s course
SUGAR FREE LIFE! the blood sugar balancer leading to increased energy, weight loss, heart health (diabetes and CVD risk reduction), and start of hormone balance with new habits. Decrease your sugar and carb cravings.
- 6 weeks – Online course at your own pace. Live well!
- Recipes and substitutes to start you on your healthy lifestyle
- our own Canvas LMS – Sugar Free Life – portal for discussions

SPRING CLEANSE 2025 : SUGAR FREE LIFE – Blood Sugar Balance.
Increase Energy, Increase Immune System, Balance Hormones, Lose Weight and Decrease Inflammation.
Balancing blood sugar is number one step to Balancing Hormones and decreasing Inflammation! And leads to INCREASE ENERGY to live your life. A More Lively Life!
Inflammation is the #1 underlying cause of diseases and illness.
This course will give easy instructional steps to reduce sugar cravings, give substitutes, introduce healthy eating habits that will satisfy you.
ONLINE PROGRAM – available on demand with videos, information, and workbook.  SPRING CLEANSE!!! This 7 week group course starts March 19th to April 23rd. March 24th  to March 31st for strictest CLEANSE, March 24th to April 9th for Full 17 day cleanse.  In addition you learn how to make fermented foods!
Zoom group meetups are March 19th to April 16th (April 23rd potentially or later date), then at 7:30 ET, 5:30 MT for at most 45min.
$50 off before March 19th! Additional $100 ($50 per friend) off with coupon – email me for coupon at he***@li********.co or under contact. Thanks!