
2020 = increased Stress Reduction Practice


2020 = Increased Stress Reduction Practice = Resilience Resilience is key in a pandemic world with huge changes, and so much out of our control. One way to build resilience and stress reduction is through meditation. Please try one or more of these suggestions to add to your daily or weekly stress reduction practice.   […]

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Drinks for the Holidays or Anytime!

“Staying Healthy during the Holiday Season” mini series features “Drinks for the Holidays or Anytime!” It’s simple – take out the sugary drinks and replace with sparkling water or soda water or tea! with straight clear alcohol or on the rocks, moderation and adding water between drinks is key. Another good choice is red wine […]

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Holiday Season – Before an Event!

The holiday season is starting! Happy Thanksgiving! One and half months of celebrations with family and friends (maybe a little less this year or over zoom!) and great food! I am creating a mini-series with tips to help you stay healthy through the Holiday Season! Enjoy your holidays of celebration and creating memories for your […]

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Grateful Pumpkin Pie! (Vegan, Gluten Free)

Grateful Pumpkin pie

Grateful Pumpkin Pie I adore pumpkin pie, there’s not too much better than this!  Everything Pumpkin!!! Grateful Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Seeds and Pumpkin Topping – Coconut Whipped Cream. A healthy pumpkin pie and crust that has small amount of sugar (maple syrup) and is gluten-free, vegan. My husband’s remark “Best Pumpkin Pie, I have ever […]

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Any Fruit Chia Jam – Healthy Jam

Any Fruit

At my last Cook it, Lively! zoom cooking class, I mentioned I would share how to make healthy chia jam. Fruit has fibre, lots of antioxidants and phytonutrients. Chia seeds are great fibre, omega 3’s and high in calcium, magnesium and potassium. I have a few peaches that a bit bruised so I will use […]

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Buy LOCAL Summer Vegetables and Fruit & How to Wash

veg and fruit

Buying LOCAL or growing your own vegetables and fruits in the summer is amazing! Many people suggest buying organic produce, but what is even better than organic produce is LOCAL fresh and full of nutrients produce. Vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients are increased when the vegetables are picked closer to ripeness and are fresh! So as […]

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Parsley Garlic Sauce – The Immune Booster


Want a simple way to help boost your immune system. Try this Parsley Garlic Sauce as an immune booster during the pandemic and cold season this fall. It is so easy and delicious. Oh and so many ways you can use it! Many people will have fresh herbs growing in their gardens this summer. You […]

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Foraging for Herbal Tea as Healing Remedies

herbal tea

Our ancestries use to know their local plants, use them for healing and to nourish their bodies, minds and spirits. Many of us have lost this plant medicine knowledge. Prior to modern medicine (late 19th and early 20th centuries) of synthetic chemistry and antimicrobials. Greater than 20% of modern pharmaceuticals are based on plant derivatives […]

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Garden Peas, Snow Peas and Sugar Snap Peas! So Healthy!

All of these are peas – it’s in the name, right. Protein, high Vitamin C and a fast snack. Protein One thing you may not know about these precious peas are they are full of protein, with more protein than other vegetables and are part of the legume plant family. They often get missed in […]

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Let’s Celebrate Earth Day!

beautiful earth burning earth

Recently  Mother earth (she) has shown us the impact that humans can have on the environment. Rising sea levels, accelerated extinction of species, a warming climate, and the increasing frequency of disasters (floods, fires, and droughts) are a few examples of her symptoms that can provide clues to an underlying sickness.  Are you listening to […]

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Soap! Our best defense to viruses and bacteria

basic soap resized

We started making our own soap in 2017, now we take our soap on trips with us cause we love it!  We thought it would be a great time to share our recipe since you may have time at home right now to try making the recipe.  SOAP is the number one way to prevent the coronavirus […]

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best carrot cake bunny resized

Are you looking for a new healthy treat for Easter or anytime when you are craving carrot cake? Try this!   The amazing Cashew Frosting taste like cheese cream frosting.  Carrot cake is delicious. Easter is this weekend and with coronavirus, many of us will not see our loved ones cause we love them so much! Self-isolation […]

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Falling for Downtime

Downtime fall walk

Falling for Downtime
I love going for walks in the Fall even when it’s raining a little. Love the Fall colours.
Downtime and self-care are vital for our health. Dan Seigel’s the “Mindful Platter” suggest downtime as an important part of a healthy brain life.

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It’s a Process!

ingredients no bake granola part

It’s a Process!   Learning how to change our habits , our cooking style, our way of thinking.  I want to help you through your journey of health and wellness. As I start my recipe creating part of my career, I look back at my own journey to more nutrient dense based eating over the past […]

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YOU are your most important ASSET!

You are your most important asset

“Invest in as much of yourself as you can, you are your own biggest asset by far.” –Warren Buffet Lively Life online programs offers you the education and motivation to make healthy nutrition, lifestyle changes to improve your body and introduce you to powerful self realization tools.   I want to share what I have […]

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Mountain Biking – Keeping me in the NOW

Mountain Biking Keeping me in the now

Mindfulness involves keeping one’s mind in the present, or in the NOW. Mountain biking in the mountains will automatically do this for me. There is no past, there is no future; just the trail ahead of me, the next turn, the rocks, the roots and the trees. The turns down mountains are sharp and fast, […]

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